Collection of minerals and fossils
Articles on mineral and fossil collecting sorted by theme in Mineraltown.com

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Articles on Fossils

Finding Crinoids

The Scyphocrinites Crinoids site, few miles from Erfoud (Morrocco), a strange feeling overwhelm you when you imagine ...

Finding Crinoids

Finding Crinoids

Fossil Collecting, NY and PA sites

Whether interested in an adventure, or pondering the origin of nature, Paleontology can be fascinating and educational hobby. One of the most exciting activities in this field is attending a fossil dig.

Fossil Collecting, NY and PA sites

Fossil Collecting, NY and PA sites

Bacteria: Fossil Record

It may seem surprising that bacteria can leave fossils at all. However, one particular group of bacteria, the cyanobacteria or \"blue-green algae,\" have left a fossil record...

Bacteria: Fossil Record

Bacteria: Fossil Record

Photographing Fossils

Type of Camera - Most cameras are capable of taking photos of fossils without too many problems, for best results choose a digital camera with a high resolution and 'Macro' facility.

Photographing Fossils

Photographing Fossils


Trilobites (from Latin tri = three and lobus = lobe), are invertebrate animals of the crustácea class, whose essential characteristic, is a body...



Morphology of the tracks

The fossil tracks are the marks left by diverse animals in the mud and that the environmental conditions have allowed their preservation..

Morphology of the tracks

Morphology of the tracks

The Vanished World

In North Otago in the Waitaki Valley, the “Vanished World” Heritage Trail is opening soon. This is based on the areas natural history, both geological and fossil.

The Vanished World

The Vanished World

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