Minerals and acids that can dissolve these minerals
The cleaning of minerals is an activity common in many of the mineral collectors. The minerals found in mines and quarries usually are either dirty or covered of clays or oxides that disfigure the specimen. Also it is common to find mineral covered with layers or mineralizations of calcite, quartz or other that we wished to eliminate to obtain the mineral that really interests to us.
The suitable method to clean mineral sayings usually happens to submerge them in some type of solution eliminates either or is simply clear water or a water mixture and some acid type. In these cases the solubility of the minerals is possible to have the account that are in the specimen which we are going to clean then those soluble minerals to the effect of acid will end up more or less quickly disappearing.
Next it will find a mineral list and acids that they are soluble, it is this acids can dissolve these minerals, which means that you must to avoid the contact of the mineral with these acids unless our objective is to eliminate the mineral.
The acids are dangerous can damage not only by contact but also by inhalation, the mixtures with other substances also can be harmful, its manipulation must be extremely careful and it only must be done by adult people who know what they are doing.