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Pictures of fossils · You Pictures of fossils in the fossil picture gallery at
30/11/2010 Pictures of petrified wood by JOSÉ GABRIEL
19/4/2010 Photo of amazing fossil sent by Ken
20/12/2009 Mustapha Ouhaddou sent these pictures of ammonites
Typocidaris mengaudi. Campaniense. Santander.
Simoceras volanense (subespecie magnum) un poco frecuente ejemplar de enorme tamaño. Titónico. Subbética cordobesa.
20/09/2009 C.G.G sent these pictures of ammonites and fossil urchins
15/09/2009 Janette sent pictures of her fossils
10/02/2009 AMOR sent these pictures of her fossils
21/12/2008 Fernando Bravo Martín sent these pictures of Heterodiadema líbicum (Desor), Cenomaniense, Cordillera Central, Spain
28/6/2008 Nestor, argentinian in Madrid, sent these pictures of his ammonites fossil bought 15 years ago at Plaza Italia, Bueno Aires
17/1/2005 Pictures of fossils from Cristina Domingo's mineral and fossil collection. Three molluscs and the last is a vertebrate.
8/9/2005 Pictures of fossils from Cristina Domingo's mineral and fossil collection. Three moluscs and the last is a vertebrate
26/6/2005 Pictures of fossils de MARIO, from left to right, Ammonites, Leaves and trunk of fern in slate stone, Peregrine shell and molar piece