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Associació Mineralògica d’Interès Científic i Social
Asociación sin ánimo de lucro destinada a promover el estudio, divulgación y el fomento de la mineralogía como ciencia.
Recursos varios destancando la revista descatalogada `Bocamina´ publicada en su día por el GMM.
Canadian Rockhound - Geological Magazine
Canadian Rockhound, Canada's free online earth science magazine for educators, beginners and hobbyists, since 1997.
European Journal of Mineralogy
European Journal of Mineralogy is published bimonthly,1 volume per year,which consists of 6 numbers with between 1100 and 1400 pages.EJM publishes strictly original papers reviewed by an international board of peers and currently carries no advertisement
Gold Net Australia Online
Featuring Australia's First Online Gold Magazine: Australian Gold For Sale.
Gruppo Mineralogico Lombardo: Rivista Mineralogica Italiana
Il Gruppo Mineralogico Lombardo è fondatore ed editore della Rivista Mineralogica Italiana, la più importante pubblicazione divulgativa di mineralogia esistente in Italia, diffusa e apprezzata a livello mondiale.
Das große, deutschsprachige Magazin für Liebhaber und Sammlervon Mineralien und edlen Steinen. - Lapis Mineralien Magazin is the premier independent German language monthly magazine for collectors and aficionados of minerals and gems.
Le Règne Minéral
Revue Française de Minéralogie.
Willkommen bei MINERALIEN-Welt. Das Mineralien-Magazin für Sammler, Händler, Museums-Fachleute.
MINÉRAUX & FOSSILES - Le guide du collectionneur
Minéraux & Fossiles est la plus ancienne revue mensuelle s'adressant aux collectionneurs,amateurs et à tous ceux qui souhaitent se tenir informés des principaux événements dans le domaine des sciences de la Terre (nouveaux minéraux,découvertes de fossil
Samples exctracts from ORYKTOLOGIKA NEA-NEWS ON MINERALS: Excerpts from Vol. 15 , September-October 2000 issue, Excerpts from Vol. 15 , November-December 2000 issue, Excerpts from Vol. 16 , March-April 2001 issue.
Rocks & Minerals
Spectacular color photographs appear throughout each issue. Rocks & Minerals works with the Mineralogical Society of America to promote cooperation between collectors and professional mineralogists.