Català | Castellano | English
Custom Design Metal Arts by Bill Roberts, Ornamental Metalsmith
Custom Designed, meticulously hand forged and cast works of elegance. My artistic horizons include not only fine jewelry in gold and sterling but also `house jewelry´: gates, railing, furniture, lighting, sculpture and more of mixed metals.
Diamond Cut
Certified loose diamond information, with reviews of different diamond cuts such as princess, emerald, asscher, cushion, radiant and ideal.
Exquisite Stones
We are a stockist of an exquisite and extensive range of minerals in various forms, from semi-precious tumbled stones, rough and polished minerals, fossil wood, to choice crystal specimens for the collector.
Galactic Stone and Ironworks
Buy, sell, trade - meteorites, tektites, stones, irons, rarities, historicals, micromounts, UNWA, and more. Member of the Meteoritical Society.
Galería Ambar Köenigsberg
Cuadros para casa, joyería, artesania, regalos, plata, anillos, collares, broches.
Gem Identification Bluechart
Gem identification chart in a handy format. Includes synthetical and treated stones.
Gold Net Australia Online
Featuring Australia's First Online Gold Magazine: Australian Gold For Sale.
Gold Prospectors Association
The Gold Prospectors Association (GPAA) was founded in 1968 to preserve and promote the great heritage of the North American Prospector.
Goldprospector Stefan Grossenbacher (Napfgebiet)
Goldpanning in the Napf area, Commercial dredging trainings in New Zealand, Jewellery (Gold,Silver,Titanium), Gold Nuggets,....
Goldwaschen das Abenteuer
In der Natur, am Fluss oder Bach mit Grillieren am Feuer und dann noch Gold finden.
Herkimer Diamonds from Clear Water Diamond Mine
"Specializing in Gem Quality Quartz Diamonds" We at Clear Water Diamond Mine are committed as collectors ourselves to selling only quality specimens at affordable prices!! We have spent a lifetime in the prospecting field and we know our stones.
House of Gems
House of Gems is a tiny shop in Bangkok, Thailand. We have big collections of rocks, minerals, fossils, fluorescences minerals, meteorites and tektites.
Mineral Collectors Page: Mineralogy Club of Antwerp, Belgium
Welcome to the Mineral Collectors Page! This is the home-page of the Mineralogy Club of Antwerp, Belgium. We bring information relevant to mineral collectors, with lots of links to other mineralogy or earth science related sites.
Minerales Cristalizados del Perú
Pagina dedicada al comercio de minerales de Perú con garantia de buen servicio.
Mineralien aus der Region Saas Fee
Die Mineralien sind alles Eigenfunde. Ich habe sie zurechtgeschnitten oder gebrochen. Katalogisiert und zum Teil fotografiert. Ich biete Ihnen Raritäten aus der Region für Anspruchsvolle Sammler, sowie fachkundige Beratung zu fairen Preisen.
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