
Rough gemstones collected in South Africa

Rough gemstones collected in South Africa

Author: Guido De Beer
Content by courtesy of : AFRIGEMTEC

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Rough gemstones


Aquamarine Aquamarine - faceting grade material, various shades - blue, green, pale blue and green


Feldspar Feldspar - solid material, takes excellent polish, various colours, orange to dark red


Unakite Unakite - pink feldspar, green epidote and quartz


Sodalite Sodalite - solid massive material, dark blue with white Ankerite


Pyrope Pyrope - alluvial diamond fields, faceting grade material, brownish orange to red and red to red brown

Hydrogrossular - known as ``Transvaal Jade´´, massive, translucent to subtranslucent to opaque, green due to chromium and pink due to manganese or mixed colours, even texture, polishes well

Hydrogrossular - Hydrogrossular - various green, dark and light

Hydrogrossular - Hydrogrossular - light pink

Hydrogrossular - Hydrogrossular - pink and light green mixed



Amethyst Amethyst - faceting grade material, purple to light violet

Amethyst - Amethyst - purple to light violet with colourless material

Rose Quartz Rose Quartz - deep pink, always included and cracked, from chip size to large blocks, cuts and polishes well


Agate Agate - distinctly banded Chalcedony, layers differing in colour, from several locations in South Africa

Blue Lace Agate Blue Lace Agate - translucent Chalcedony with white and blue bands, various shades from light blue to deep blue

Moss AgateMoss Agate - clear to milky translucent Chalcedony with moss appearances in red (iron) black (manganese) and green (chlorite)

Rainbow Chalcedony Rainbow Chalcedony - brilliant mixed colours - white, yellow, red, brown, blue, grey and black, contains soft inclusions and fine cavities

Carnelian Carnelian - a yellow, orange, red or brown chalcedony, normally tumbled to expose the colour and recut thereafter


Red Jasper - Red Jasper - with white and black Quartz inclusions

Kalahari Picture Stone - Kalahari Picture Stone - yellow Quartz layers separated by iron stained bans, porous material

Mugglestone - Mugglestone - banded red, brown, white and cream material with brown to black Hematite layers

Porcelain Jasper - Porcelain Jasper - yellow, red, brown, green or blue in colour, very hard, takes beautiful polish

Tigerseye Tigerseye - yellow brown, medium thickness slabs

Budd Stone Budd Stone - distinctive contoured green and white layers, swizling appearance

Green Quartz Green Quartz - nice solid material colour due to Fuchsite

Pudding Stone Pudding Stone - red, yellow, white, green, brown and black Jasper and other rounded pebbles in solid or translucent chert


Ironstone Ironstone - yellow to yellow brown and ironoxide banded, tends to undercut but takes good polish


Malachite Malachite - beautiful banded material, takes good polish


Serpentine Serpentine - massive green serpentine, striped light green to dark green to brown, takes a matt polish

Bowenite Bowenite - Namaqualand Jade - mottled pale green and dark green - takes a fair polish


Sugilite Sugilite - purple to reddish purple


African Turquoise African Turquoise - massive material - ideal for cutting and carving


Verdite Verdite - massive fine grained, vibrant dark green to emerald green, a soft rock, takes a matt polish

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