
Micro-diamonds from space

Micro-diamonds from space

Author: John Th. Nilsson
Content by courtesy of :  John Th. Nilsson

burnt clumps/stones

In Sept.2002, some burnt clumps/stones were found on the ground in Finnsnes, a small town in Norway. These clumps had some amazing secrets. A group of geologists at the University of Tromsoe, examined them thoroughly also with the use of electron microscopy and the results were as follows: These clumps consisted nearly of 100 % carbon, and this carbon has partly been in a liquid phase/state, before it turned into a solid form. We’re talking about 3500 degrees Celcius and up. Density weight is about 1,1 so these clumps sink even in seawater. The geologists can not explain their origin and they can not find any similar descriptions in geological literature.

The carbon clumps are porous and their holes can be seen with the naked eye as well as with electron microscopy. In the beginning of the research, a theory of carbon fulgurite (lightning hits pure graphite) was introduced. Experts in graphite said that it was impossible for lightning to make carbon fulgurite. Fulgurites are also hollow, and if we make a search on internet for carbon fulgurite, there is no hit, simply since they do not exist.

diamond raman test

A raman test(a laser beam through a thin section of the carbon can identify different materials) concluded with diamond, or micro-diamonds since they are not visible. On the earth, kimberlite is the solid rock that can contain diamonds. Here in this case, we have a light porous carbon that contains micro-diamonds. Micro-diamonds can also be found in carbon- containing meteorites, and experts have stated that these clumps are not ordinary meteorites, since they consist of nearly pure carbon. These micro-diamonds are not made deep in the earth, 100-200 kilometres, but they come from space.

The most "shocking" discovery was the result of a carbon-12/carbon-13 test that showed minus 23,9 -which is a value for organic carbon. Inorganic carbon can be found in rocks, minerals etc. This carbon comes from something that has been alive, maybe some kind of plant, since the value minus 23,9 is similar to that of a photosynthesising plants.

organic carbon clumps

When we have in mind that these clumps consist of organic carbon with a c-12/c-13 value of minus 23,9, and that we know that organic carbon can only make amorphous structures. It is also stated that these clumps is not a natural geological product. Crystals are made deep into the earth with high temperatures and pressure,eg.diamonds.We have here a crystal of organic carbon not made in the deep of the earth,it should not exist. On the top of the crystal we can see secondary crystal growth,and we can also see that the organic carbon is eroded.

Micro-diamond, see on the top the small extra crystal, that have a slightly other direction than the large one

I hope now that some qualified peoples or organizations are interested in carrying the research further, and if wanted I can participate in this. The other alternative is, if somebody wants to buy it since it would be the ultimate research as well as collector’s object. Very high in price (I've got this only one crystal). Only those seriously interested can contact jtnils@online.no for further information.

Content by courtesy of : John Th. Nilsson


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