Alan Guisewite's Mineral Collection Images: Introductory Page
I've been collecting since I was a kid and I'm finally starting to specialize (a little). Garnets will probably always be at the top of my list. I'm also interested in the oxides (spinels, rutile, etc.), sphalerites of good color, metal ores ...
Association Française de Microminéralogie: French Minerals
Gitology:French Minerals and localities.
Association Strasbourgeoise des Amis de la Minéralogie
Découvrez les minéraux, fossiles et gemmes de l'Est de la France et d'ailleurs collectés depuis près de 30 ans par des passionnés désireux de faire connaître à tous les merveilles de notre sous-sol et de nos montagnes.
Kato's Mineral Fossil Collection
Minerals,Fossils,Others,Information,Trade specimens,Link,BBS ...
Marco Macchieraldo's Minerals
You're welcome on one of the oldest Italian web site about minerals !! My name is Marco Macchieraldo, I'm an Italian minerals' collector and live in Torino, a big town in the north of Italy near the Alpes mountains.
Mineral Paradise Galleries
All of the mineral specimens featured in the Galleries are from my own collection and are not for sale.They have been taken with a Nikon Coolpix 950 Digital Camera and range from Micromount to Hand Specimen in size.I hope you enjoy looking at them.
Mineralien aus der Region Saas Fee
Die Mineralien sind alles Eigenfunde. Ich habe sie zurechtgeschnitten oder gebrochen. Katalogisiert und zum Teil fotografiert. Ich biete Ihnen Raritäten aus der Region für Anspruchsvolle Sammler, sowie fachkundige Beratung zu fairen Preisen.
Mineralogy Database: Mineral Pictures
There are two ways of viewing mineral images: Click on mineral name in the Index of Mineral Images for a large picture. View the thumbnails with descriptions in the alphabetized list.
The following minerals have been collected by our members during CMPB field trips in Belgium.
Museum of Classic Pennsylvania Minerals!
Anglesite on Galena, Apophyllite, Amethyst, Brucite, Calcite, Copper, Garnet var. Andradite, Kammererite, Nesquehonite, Pyrite on Magnetite, Pyromorphite, Selenite, Sphalerite, Wavellite. es un proyecto diseñado para enseñarte a equilibrar el cuerpo y la mente utilizando las propiedades curativas de las piedras y cristales energéticos.
Stuart & Donna Wilensky Mineral Photos
Fine Minerals, new specimens are always added here at the top. This is only a small fraction of our inventory. When on the East Coast please visit our gallery with over 500 specimens of this quality on display.
TAK Minerals
I'm a Japanese mineral collector TAK. I now find myself taking pictures only of stones! When I saw mineral photos accumulating, I decided to put some of them online. I hope you will enjoy visiting my photo gallery.
The mineral and gemstone kingdom
An interactive reference guide to rocks, minerals, and gemstones.
The Mineralogical Society
The Society, instituted in 1876, has the general object of advancing the knowledge of the science of mineralogy and its application to other subjects including crystallography, geochemistry, petrology, environmental science and economic geology.
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