Adams Minerals
Your mineral specimen web store. We have lots of rare minerals for collectors. We also trade minerals. Email us for trade list.
barahona micromounts
the cobaltarthurite discovered page
Hola, soy un coleccionista de Minerales y F贸siles. Espero que te guste mi p谩gina. En este sitio encontrar谩s algunos de los especimenes de mi colecci贸n, asi como otras informaciones sobre Minerales y F贸siles de Argentina.
Marco Macchieraldo's Minerals
You're welcome on one of the oldest Italian web site about minerals !! My name is Marco Macchieraldo, I'm an Italian minerals' collector and live in Torino, a big town in the north of Italy near the Alpes mountains.
Mineral Paradise
Mineral Paradise has been designed with the intention of aiding mineral identification with photographic images. There is also the opportunity to obtain by purchase (or swap) good quality micro and hand specimens at modest prices ...
Minerales de Gran Canaria
Tengo minerales de Gran Canaria de todo tipo para intercambio ( Moganita, Calcedonia, Obsidiana, Rosas de Yeso, geodas de cristal de roca etc ).
ORE ROCK ON - OREgon ROCKhounds ONline
The FIRST, the BIGGEST, and the BEST site on the Web for getting Oregon Rockhounding Information! As featured in the November 1998 issue of Rock & Gem Magazine!
I began to collect minerals when since seven years went to the Kola peninsula with geological party. During the present moment my subject lays in the field of aesthetic specimens of minerals from pegmatite formations such as: beryls, topazes, tourmalines
Servidor de Familia Araguz
Encontrareis una serie de fotografias de minerales y f贸siles de localidades Espa帽olas y de otros paises, espero que la visita sea de vuestro agrado. Soy Santiago Araguz aficionado coleccionista y buscador de minerales y fosiles , pertenezco al G.M.C