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Articles on Mineral localities

Burgam Mine, England

Burgam is a little mine, worked for lead and probably started in the early 1800\'s. It was last worked in about 1962. Some barite was also produced.

Burgam Mine, England

Burgam Mine, England

A Forgotten Mineral Treasure - The Phalaborwa Complex

The author recently obtained a number of mineral specimens from the Phalaborwa Mine and since then has have been fascinated by the beauty, variety and complexity of the minerals from this locality.

A Forgotten Mineral Treasure - The Phalaborwa Complex

A Forgotten Mineral Treasure - The Phalaborwa Complex

Ardownie quarry, Scottish agates

Information about this productive andesite quarry first filtered out in the summer of 1992. It is located immediately north of the Tayside town of Monifieth near Dundee.

Ardownie quarry, Scottish agates

Ardownie quarry, Scottish agates

The Summit Mine - Montana

The Summit mine is located in the southern portion of the Radersburg mining district in Broadwater County, Montana. The Summit is the source of the finest hemimorphite specimens in the United States as well as a number of other secondary minerals.

The Summit Mine - Montana

The Summit Mine - Montana

Perkinsville Agate - Perkinsville, AZ

On the lower south slopes of the Verde Valley lies a small area of abundant agate. Many specimens here contain desirable colors and bands.

Perkinsville Agate - Perkinsville, AZ

Perkinsville Agate - Perkinsville, AZ

Val Varaita

The Varaita valley is located in the north-west part of the province of Cuneo – Piemonte and is engraved in the east side, turned towards Italy, of the Cozie Alps. It’s located between Maira valley in the south side, and Po valley in the north side.

Val Varaita

Val Varaita

Monte Bianco

Monte Bianco and adjacent regions, a famous European Alpine mineral occurrence locality has yielded a variety of mineral species, including quartz and fluorite specimens which are among the finest in the world.

Monte Bianco

Monte Bianco

The Rogerley Mine, Weardale

The Rogerley mine is located within an abandoned quarry of the same name, just east of the village of Stanhope, in Weardale. The quarry was originally operated during the mid-19th century as a source of limestone as flux for iron foundries in the nearby towns of Tow Law and Consett. There is no evidence that the quarry was ever worked for lead or fluorspar, and these ores were not likely to have been found in commercial quantities within the quarry.

The Rogerley Mine, Weardale

The Rogerley Mine, Weardale

About Papachacra

The province of Catamarca has more than a 70% of its surface covered of mountains, and this fact suppose important minerals resources.Since the Colony period, significant mineral richness was quarried, and in a particular and intense way during the second half of the XIXth century and the first half of the XXth.

About Papachacra

About Papachacra

Bwlch Glas Lead & Zinc Mine (Wales)

Bwlch Glas Mine lies in the Cyneiniog valley, at NGR SN 710, 878, a few miles east of Talybont. Mining at this location didn\'t start until relative late in comparison to many of the metal mines in Cardiganshire. After some early work during the 1880\'s, substantial production didn\'t occur until the early 1900\'s and was intermittently worked up to 1923 by the Scottish Cardigan Lead Mining Co. Ltd...

Bwlch Glas Lead & Zinc Mine (Wales)

Bwlch Glas Lead & Zinc Mine (Wales)

Minerals slag heaps of Belgium

Belgium was a famous place for coal mines between the end of the 19th century and 1970.(The last one closed in 1972) These mines followed an axis starting in the north of France and rejoining Germany, crossing the french speaking part of Belgium called \"Wallonie\", from Mons to Liege. It has let in our countryside a lot of little \"mountains\", the famous slag heaps .

Minerals slag heaps of Belgium

Minerals slag heaps of Belgium

STRONTIAN (Scotland)

Strontian has an important position in the history of science. Here, in 1790, Adair Crawford, a Scots-Irish chemist, discovered the mineral species, strontianite (see below), and determined that a new chemical element was part of its composition.

STRONTIAN (Scotland)

STRONTIAN (Scotland)

Cerro de Pasco, Peru

This is the main open pit. Quite a hole – measuring about 2 km north-south by about 1km east-west (left to right) and around 350m. in depth. The grey material centre to right is almost solid pyrite containing about 5oz/tonne of silver.

Cerro de Pasco, Peru

Cerro de Pasco, Peru

Red Cloud Mine

The world\'s most famous wulfenite occurrence is again yielding specimens, this time in unprecedented quantities. The current operation, however, may eventually mean the end of this classic locality.

Red Cloud Mine

Red Cloud Mine

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