
Bwlch Glas Lead & Zinc Mine - Underground

Bwlch Glas Lead & Zinc Mine - Underground

Author: Mike Munro

Content by courtesy of :  Mike Munro`s Homepage

Reproduction of text and photos prohibited without permission of author.

NOTE :  Underground exploration can be a dangerous activity, potentially fatal. Never attempt to venture underground unless properly equipped or without sufficient knowledge of the hazards you're likely to meet, and never on your own.  You have been warned !


Bwlch Glas Mine lies in the Cyneiniog valley, at NGR SN 710, 878, a few miles east of Talybont.  Mining at this location didn't start until relative late in comparison to many of the metal mines in Cardiganshire. After some early work during the 1880's, substantial production didn't occur until the early 1900's and was intermittently worked up to 1923 by the Scottish Cardigan Lead Mining Co. Ltd..  The Plynlimon & Hafan Tramway, the trackbed of which runs through the foundations and remains of the processing mill, was closed in 1899, thus the mine was unable to make use of it when production increased in later years.  There are further details on the history of the mine, (and the Tramway) in the following publications:

  The definitive history of this mine has yet to be published, something I believe the current owner of the mineral rights to this mine (a certain Bernard Moore) has aspirations for.

  The following images were the result of a field trip I took while participating in the NAMHO 2002 meet, hosted by the Welsh Mines Society, this particular field trip being ably led by members of the Shropshire Caving and Mining Club - my thanks to them for re-bolting the belay points for the final pitch down to the tramming level of the lower adit.

Bwlch Glas - Surface Views 
Remains of dressing floors 
(Details to be posted soon)Bwlch Glas - Underground 
Upper Level & Intermediate Level 
(More details to be posted soon)

Upper Adit
Entrance to the Upper Adit NGR SN 9418, 8591

Flooded stope
Remains of windlass supports above flooded stope in upper level.  Note compressed air pipe running along floor

Bwlch Glas - Underground Headframe and Cages 
(Accessed via the Upper Adit)  

Looking at the cages
Looking at the cages, from their normally accessed side.  Access to day, via. the stope, is behind me. 
(Note that the gates were 'automatically' lifted when the cages arrived at this level.)

Looking at mine cages
Looking at the cages from the other side - i.e. that of the winder. (Note the signal bell on the far left, just above the safety gate.)

Sliding safety gates
Detail of the sliding safety gates.

Signal bell
Detail of the signal bell.

one of the cages
Closer detail of one of the cages.  I've no idea as to the function of the iron bar in the middle of the cage, fastened to the roof.  Any guesses ?

Looking up to the headgear.
(Note the galvanised sheeting to keep the water off the cages.)

cage construction
Detail of cage construction

pipes under cage
Note pipes under cage to prevent them falling to shaft bottom.

Return to intermediate levelReturn to intermediate level

The way out ! Dave Thompson returns to the intermediate level.

Content by courtesy of :
Mike Munro's 'Homepage'


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