
Clubs. Directori webs de minerals i fòssils

Directori web minerals i fòssils

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Featured listing:
YOUR WEB SITE HERE !!! Web site promotion. Featured mineral and fossil web site listing.

Toledo Gem and Rockhound Club
Toledo Gem and Rockhound Club

We are an active and diverse group. From educators to artists, collectors to geology enthusiasts, there are many ways to enjoy rock related hobbies with our club.

Topeka Gem & Mineral Society
Topeka Gem & Mineral Society

The Purpose of the Topeka Gem & Mineral Society shall be exclusively educational and scientific: to promote interest in geology and the lapidary arts. to encourage the collection and display of rocks, gems and minerals. to encourage field trips...

Tuscarora Lapidary Society
Tuscarora Lapidary Society

Tuscarora Lapidary Society (TLS) is chartered as a non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of the lapidary hobby (the cutting and polishing of gem stones), and of the arts and sciences associated with lapidary interests.


Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V
Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie (VFMG) e.V

ALLGEMEINE INFORMATIONEN zur VFMG, NÄHERE INFORMATIONEN, Ihre ANSPRECHPARTNER, Fachzeitschrift "DER AUFSCHLUSS", Neues Ehrenmitglied der VFMG, Aktuelle Sonderausstellungen, Börsen, Tauschtage, etc ...

VFMG Bezirksgruppe Berg Mark - Wuppertal
VFMG Bezirksgruppe Berg Mark - Wuppertal

Machen Sie mehr aus Ihrem Hobby: Werden Sie Mitglied in der VFMG ! Gemeinsames Sammeln und Erfahrungen austauschen bringt auch Sie weiter ! Hier arbeiten Wissenschaftler und Sammler miteinander...

VFMG Bezirksgruppe Osnabrück
VFMG Bezirksgruppe Osnabrück

Hier finden Sie die Geologie,Mineralien,Fossilien des Osnabrücker Berglandes.


WAMS Olympia | Washington Agate and Mineral Society
WAMS Olympia | Washington Agate and Mineral Society

A site for information on rock, mineral and fossil collecting as well as lapidary information for those around the Washington State area.

Welsh Mines Society
Welsh Mines Society

The Welsh Mines Society arose in June 1979 out of an informal meeting of subscribers to David Bicks' (WMS President) Old Metal Mines of Mid-Wales. From the start our ambitions have been modest enough ...

Young Toronto Mineralogists Club
Young Toronto Mineralogists Club

Meeting monthly at the Ontario Science Centre, The Young Toronto Mineralogists Club is open to young people ages 9 to 15 that are interested in mineral collecting or lapidary

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