Advertisement example: The title of the advertisement will appear in bold
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The text of the advertisement could have a size of 250 characters, being tried to offer the maximum of possible information of the minerals that are being offered. The symbols indicate if the interested one accepts to make trades by other minerals, if it accepts money, or both things. Each advertisement can be accompanied by 3 photos with an inferior size to 50 kb each one
Ofrezco minerales varios:Pirita de Navajun y Ambasaguas, fluorita de Asturias y otros. Pedir listado con precios y, en la medida de lo posible, fotos. Tambien puedo cambiar.
Mineral collection with good quality mineral specimens is for sale. It includes minerals from worldwide location like USA, Brasil, etc. If you're interested on it please mail me for more information I can also send you a full set of pictures of the mineral specimens of the collection.
Tengo abundantes ejemplares de CINABRIOS- algunos con cristales rómbicos- (Almadén-Ciudad Real-España, años 60), PIROMORFITAS- pero sobre todos ellos tengo un EJEMPLAR ÚNICO de Brannerita (Mina 'DIÉRESIS' nivel 000 mtrs. Coto Minero 'Carbonell'-Horn
Collection includes very transparent, good sized, well presented, very well-coloured gems (heliodore, Zimbabwe;bi-coloured tourmaline on quartz, Himalaya Mine, Calif.;aquamarine on quartz, Pakistan) & numerous other pieces. $11,000 US
Hi, I sell a big sample of proustite (Rosicler de plata), from Chañarcillo Chile. Obtained around 1850. With crystals around 2 inches long. It weights 10 pounds. Perfect condition. Only experts collectors interested. Price:US$:100.000